Thursday, October 21, 2010

5 things I would grab if my house burnt down

1. make sure all my family is out of the house
2. bikes
3. snowboard
4. my trucks keys and lanyard
5. clothing (snowboarding gear included)

I would get all of my family out of the house for the obvious reason that they are my family. I wouldn't be able to live without my family if I lost them. I would grab both of my bikes because if worse comes to worse I could sell them and make money. Also I love to bike and it is my second favorite passion right behind snowboarding. I would grab my snowboard because it is the biggest part of my life. Snowboarding is my happy place and it is my favorite pass time, I live on the mountains and its my second home. I would also grab my trucks keys and Heineken lanyard because I need my truck for transport and she is my baby. Finally i would grab as much clothing as i could carry because I have to stay fresh and have gear to snowboard.