Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Macbeth Scene 2 summary

Scene 1  Macbeth and Banquo are talking about the three witches and what they've told them. Macbeth downplays the significance of what the three witches said. Banquo warns him about the evil that could come from what the three witches said. Banquo and his son exit and leave Macbeth, he has a hallucination in which he sees a bloody dagger floating before him. Macbeth Hears a bell toll and that it is summoning Duncan to heaven or to hell.

Scene 2 Lady Macbeth appears and says that she has drugged the soldiers guarding Duncan's sleeping quarters. Macbeth goes and kills king Duncan and comes back. He tells his wife that he fear's God's wrath.Also that a voice has said to him "sleep no more." Lady Macbeth leaves to go frame the guards.

Scene 3 Macbeth sees Macduff and asks him whether the king is awake yet. On hearing that the king is still asleep, Macduff leaves to wake him. Macduff returns with the news that the king is dead. Lady Macbeth and Banquo come in and Macduff informs them of the king's death. Macbeth laments the king's death, proclaiming that he wishes he were dead instead of the king. When Malcolm and Donalbain arrive, Lennox blames the guards by pointing to the incriminating bloody evidence. Macbeth states that he has already killed the bodyguards in a grief-stricken rage. Malcolm and Donalbain decide that their lives may be at risk and that they should flee Scotland. As Lady Macbeth is being helped, Banquo talks to the others and discusses the murder at hand. Malcolm decides that he will flee to England while Donalbain will go to Ireland.

Scene 4 Lady Macduff tells her son that his father is dead, but the boy argues that if his father were dead, she would be weeping. She keeps insisting that his father is dead because he is a traitor. As they argue a messenger comes in and warns her that danger is coming toward the castle and that she should take her children and flee. She has nowhere to run to, and the murderers come in disguised in horrible masks. The murderers ask her where her husband is, and she tells him that she hopes that Macduff is in a place where they shall never find him. The murderers call Macduff a traitor and the young boy calls them liars. One of the murderers stabs the boy and kills him. Lady Macduff runs screaming 'Murder,' and the villains chase after her.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

sleep walking and hallucinations

Sleepwalking is a common sleep disorder that over 15% of people have. The normal sleep cycle has many distinct cycles. Rapid eye movement or (REM) is when dreaming is most prominent. In  regular sleep, people experience REM many times and this is when people will likely sleepwalk the most. The cause of sleepwalking in children is normally unknown, but fatigue stress and anxiety. In adults sleepwalking can be from mental disorders, seizures or a reaction to drugs and alcohol. When elderly people have a sleepwalking disorder it is normally related organic brain disorder. Lack of sleep can also cause the brain to hallucinate and create false images that aren't actually there. Hallucinations are sensations that are not real. Any of the senses can be involved. A person may see, hear, taste, smell, or feel something that is not there. Hallucinations can be frightening for the person experiencing them and for those near them Being exposed to extreme stress for long periods of time can bring upon hallucinations. Electrical or neuro-chemical activity in the brain can create auras, which is a type of hallucination that warns the body of a migraine. Also, auras involving smell and touch are known to warn of an epileptic attack. schizophrenia is a symptom where a person can see people who aren't there or they can hear voices that talk to them. Hallucinations and sleepwalking can go hand in hand because lack of sleep, anxiety or stress can make people both hallucinate or start sleepwalking.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Cook up your own version of a get rich quick scheme.

Today we have produced a miracle system to get rich quick. Gold digging is an amazing way to get rich quick and have a life of luxury. We have an incredible 5 step system that will get you a rich partner that can buy you your every need. FIRST got to a fancy steakhouse and scout the "talent" see who orders large and expensive meal and go have a conversation. you have to find out what they do for a job so you can get a rough estimate on their income and whether they are a suitable provider. SECOND sit down with them and exchange information and get their number. THIRD Don't appear desperate and wait a few days before calling them, but when you do make sure to plan another date at a fancy restaurant. FOURTH make sure they know your interested and move in with them, and start to spend a lot of time with them, go shopping and find his price range, exploit this for your own personal gain. FIFTH combine bank accounts and start spending!!!
Keys to making this product work well are; Looking hot all the time, attend many social events, Be submissive to their wishes, and do whatever they say. Using these technique you will get your rich partner in weeks and not have to worry about financial instability ever again!