Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Expressing Concern

123 Main Street
Sportstown, British Columbia
V2A 1W3

Mr. Kleats
Central High School
123 Main Street
V2A 1W3

May 25

Dear Mr. Kleats
My name is Chase McKenzie, I currently have a child playing on your High school chess team. Being a coach requires an extensive amount of time and energy and I appreciate the amount of time you have put in; however I do have some concerns. I have noticed on occasion you have been tardy to the practices and often to the games. Many students during practice seem to be uninformed om what they are supposed to be doing. I believe if you set out a structured practice plan it would be beneficial to the team.

Some of the students i have observed have received small amounts of playing time, and you seem to lean towards only playing the better players. All the students need equal playing time and you shouldn't focus solely on winning. Thank you for taking the time to read my letter, I hope we can get past these concerns and move on to becoming a successful chess team.


Chase McKenzie

Monday, May 9, 2011

Sorry Its Late

     Punctuality and being on time is now starting to be regarded as the "norm" in most high schools. The skills learned in school are used for the rest of a persons life. The rise in unreasonable deadlines has in turn made for a rise in bad late excuses, doctors notes, and unexcused absences

     Students are forced to do assignments and just hand them in with imposable deadlines! One of the local students was quoted saying "we have to read a  WHOLE book in 6 weeks?" Unreasonable deadlines like these are forcing kids to come up with better and better excuses, simple classics like "my dog ate it" just don't get the job done anymore. Another student told us that Mr. K the local math teacher made him do 20 questions and how that was an unreasonable task. Recently students haven't been doing their work on time and its the teachers duty to chase after them to get the students to do their work. The students are fed up wit the teachers getting them to work instead of letting them go on facebook and socialize with their friends.

     While students shouldn't be forced to hand in their work they should also have the freedom to show up to class whenever they feel its appropriate