Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Macbeth Scene 2 summary

Scene 1  Macbeth and Banquo are talking about the three witches and what they've told them. Macbeth downplays the significance of what the three witches said. Banquo warns him about the evil that could come from what the three witches said. Banquo and his son exit and leave Macbeth, he has a hallucination in which he sees a bloody dagger floating before him. Macbeth Hears a bell toll and that it is summoning Duncan to heaven or to hell.

Scene 2 Lady Macbeth appears and says that she has drugged the soldiers guarding Duncan's sleeping quarters. Macbeth goes and kills king Duncan and comes back. He tells his wife that he fear's God's wrath.Also that a voice has said to him "sleep no more." Lady Macbeth leaves to go frame the guards.

Scene 3 Macbeth sees Macduff and asks him whether the king is awake yet. On hearing that the king is still asleep, Macduff leaves to wake him. Macduff returns with the news that the king is dead. Lady Macbeth and Banquo come in and Macduff informs them of the king's death. Macbeth laments the king's death, proclaiming that he wishes he were dead instead of the king. When Malcolm and Donalbain arrive, Lennox blames the guards by pointing to the incriminating bloody evidence. Macbeth states that he has already killed the bodyguards in a grief-stricken rage. Malcolm and Donalbain decide that their lives may be at risk and that they should flee Scotland. As Lady Macbeth is being helped, Banquo talks to the others and discusses the murder at hand. Malcolm decides that he will flee to England while Donalbain will go to Ireland.

Scene 4 Lady Macduff tells her son that his father is dead, but the boy argues that if his father were dead, she would be weeping. She keeps insisting that his father is dead because he is a traitor. As they argue a messenger comes in and warns her that danger is coming toward the castle and that she should take her children and flee. She has nowhere to run to, and the murderers come in disguised in horrible masks. The murderers ask her where her husband is, and she tells him that she hopes that Macduff is in a place where they shall never find him. The murderers call Macduff a traitor and the young boy calls them liars. One of the murderers stabs the boy and kills him. Lady Macduff runs screaming 'Murder,' and the villains chase after her.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

sleep walking and hallucinations

Sleepwalking is a common sleep disorder that over 15% of people have. The normal sleep cycle has many distinct cycles. Rapid eye movement or (REM) is when dreaming is most prominent. In  regular sleep, people experience REM many times and this is when people will likely sleepwalk the most. The cause of sleepwalking in children is normally unknown, but fatigue stress and anxiety. In adults sleepwalking can be from mental disorders, seizures or a reaction to drugs and alcohol. When elderly people have a sleepwalking disorder it is normally related organic brain disorder. Lack of sleep can also cause the brain to hallucinate and create false images that aren't actually there. Hallucinations are sensations that are not real. Any of the senses can be involved. A person may see, hear, taste, smell, or feel something that is not there. Hallucinations can be frightening for the person experiencing them and for those near them Being exposed to extreme stress for long periods of time can bring upon hallucinations. Electrical or neuro-chemical activity in the brain can create auras, which is a type of hallucination that warns the body of a migraine. Also, auras involving smell and touch are known to warn of an epileptic attack. schizophrenia is a symptom where a person can see people who aren't there or they can hear voices that talk to them. Hallucinations and sleepwalking can go hand in hand because lack of sleep, anxiety or stress can make people both hallucinate or start sleepwalking.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Cook up your own version of a get rich quick scheme.

Today we have produced a miracle system to get rich quick. Gold digging is an amazing way to get rich quick and have a life of luxury. We have an incredible 5 step system that will get you a rich partner that can buy you your every need. FIRST got to a fancy steakhouse and scout the "talent" see who orders large and expensive meal and go have a conversation. you have to find out what they do for a job so you can get a rough estimate on their income and whether they are a suitable provider. SECOND sit down with them and exchange information and get their number. THIRD Don't appear desperate and wait a few days before calling them, but when you do make sure to plan another date at a fancy restaurant. FOURTH make sure they know your interested and move in with them, and start to spend a lot of time with them, go shopping and find his price range, exploit this for your own personal gain. FIFTH combine bank accounts and start spending!!!
Keys to making this product work well are; Looking hot all the time, attend many social events, Be submissive to their wishes, and do whatever they say. Using these technique you will get your rich partner in weeks and not have to worry about financial instability ever again!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

journal #1 hunger games

In the book "The Hunger Games'' the scene where Katniss was getting interviewed and the man said "let's go back to the moment where your sister's name was called.'' "what did she say to you? After the reaping?" Katniss replied "she asked me to try really hard to win."  p129 I believe this is foreshadowing for the turnout of the hunger games. The way they showed how Prim wants her sister to win so badly will give Katniss the extra push to win and stay alive to come back and provide for her mom and younger sister. Katniss will have to fight all the other tributes and if she gets her hands on a bow she will have a fighting chance. Katniss is a master archer and a bow in her hand means she will be able to take down the other tributes from a distance.

The way Katniss had stood up for her sister I can connect to because if anything like this would ever happen to my sister or family I'd put myself before them and take it personally. The way Katniss Doesn't want to lose her sister and uses this as motivation would be the same way I would react to this type of situation. Being put into a scenario where if you possibly wont be able to see your family again would be enough motivation for me to give it my all and be determined not to lose so I could go back to them.

Monday, November 1, 2010

moral dilema

When I was in the museum some french guy named Jacques lit up a cigarette and ashed it into a garbage. The garbage caught on fire and set the building on fire as well. The fire grew closer and I was stuck between a rock and a hard place, and I had to choose the old lady or the Mona Lisa. I chose the Mona Lisa because I figured the lady will have a better chance of scooting out of the building on her wheelchair and then I could save the priceless painting. The old lady was 92 years old and she had a great life. The painting is a key piece of history and easily the most recognisable painting in the world. If I were to save the Mona Lisa I would be able to get millions of dollars and be able to help the needy and the poor, plus I could also buy a sweet car.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

5 things I would grab if my house burnt down

1. make sure all my family is out of the house
2. bikes
3. snowboard
4. my trucks keys and lanyard
5. clothing (snowboarding gear included)

I would get all of my family out of the house for the obvious reason that they are my family. I wouldn't be able to live without my family if I lost them. I would grab both of my bikes because if worse comes to worse I could sell them and make money. Also I love to bike and it is my second favorite passion right behind snowboarding. I would grab my snowboard because it is the biggest part of my life. Snowboarding is my happy place and it is my favorite pass time, I live on the mountains and its my second home. I would also grab my trucks keys and Heineken lanyard because I need my truck for transport and she is my baby. Finally i would grab as much clothing as i could carry because I have to stay fresh and have gear to snowboard.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

how to backside rodeo 540

The back side rodeo is a more advanced trick and you shouldn't attempt it unless you feel comfortable upside down. when you drop in to the jump come in with a little less speed than normal because you will pop a lot more off the lip. You start by doing a toe side turn at the base of the jump, as you are going up the jump switch your weight from your toes to your heels. When you get to the lip drop your back shoulder just a little bit and that will start your flipping rotation. With your head look backwards to spot your landing to keep your back flip from stalling out upside down, don't "freak out" upside down just stay calm and let the flip come all the way around . Tuck your knees up and go into a melon grab and this will make you spin your 540. Open up as you spot you landing and just stomp the landing to finish off your trick.

so in short
1. Toe side turn as you near the jump
2. Heel side turn to transfer you weight
3. Drop back shoulder and grab melon.
4. Don't freak out
5. Spot your landing
6. Stomp the landing
7. Do it again!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

top three snowboarding parks in north america

The parks will be viewed on what type of features they have and also on the flow and creativeness of the parks layout that it has, also on what the park has to offer to all riders.

3. Keystone Colorado, Keystone used to be a secret, but after years of consistent park builds, pro competitions, and photos in the mags there scene is beginning to get noticed. There hit-packed Area 51 park zones offer everything from mini jumps for the beginners to the pro line on upper Main Street for those who want to show there stuff. The laid out mellow flow of obstacles and jumps is always getting a fresh groom to keep all the jumps maintained.

2. Mammoth California, Mammoth has led terrain-park innovation for a decade with there pro level main park and there more mellow park on the south side. On any given day in the winter there is something new being made in both main park and south park. Main Park in the most pro populated park run in snowboarding. Mammoth has some of the most consistent and progressive parks in all of north America.

1. Bear Mountain, California, Bear don’t see a lot of natural snow but that’s never kept Bear from having the best all mountain terrain parks from peak to parking lot. The reason is snow making, Their upgraded snow making system is now putting more snow exactly where they want it making jumps, jibs and wall rides possible.  Every one on the park crew is a rider to give the park its own personal feel which is the “the key to Bear’s success.” With 163 jibs, 5 wall rides and 20 pro level jumps. It has two dedicated park cats, and a full-time night rail crew constantly reconfiguring the park and jib lines. There is always something fresh to hit, jib, slide, or sesh at Bear Mountain.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Taking part in history

If i could go back in time i would go to woodstock. It was a three day concert promoting peace, It was held at Max Yasgurs dairy farm from August 15 to August 18, 1969. There were 32 different preformers and they preformed for 500,000 people. Woodstock is widly known as one of the most pivotal turning points in music history. The two artiststhat draw me to the festival is 'The Who" who closed the secod day with a 25 song set list, and "Jimmy Hendrex" who closed the third and final day with a large setlist of 20+ songs