Monday, November 1, 2010

moral dilema

When I was in the museum some french guy named Jacques lit up a cigarette and ashed it into a garbage. The garbage caught on fire and set the building on fire as well. The fire grew closer and I was stuck between a rock and a hard place, and I had to choose the old lady or the Mona Lisa. I chose the Mona Lisa because I figured the lady will have a better chance of scooting out of the building on her wheelchair and then I could save the priceless painting. The old lady was 92 years old and she had a great life. The painting is a key piece of history and easily the most recognisable painting in the world. If I were to save the Mona Lisa I would be able to get millions of dollars and be able to help the needy and the poor, plus I could also buy a sweet car.

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