Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Expressing Concern

123 Main Street
Sportstown, British Columbia
V2A 1W3

Mr. Kleats
Central High School
123 Main Street
V2A 1W3

May 25

Dear Mr. Kleats
My name is Chase McKenzie, I currently have a child playing on your High school chess team. Being a coach requires an extensive amount of time and energy and I appreciate the amount of time you have put in; however I do have some concerns. I have noticed on occasion you have been tardy to the practices and often to the games. Many students during practice seem to be uninformed om what they are supposed to be doing. I believe if you set out a structured practice plan it would be beneficial to the team.

Some of the students i have observed have received small amounts of playing time, and you seem to lean towards only playing the better players. All the students need equal playing time and you shouldn't focus solely on winning. Thank you for taking the time to read my letter, I hope we can get past these concerns and move on to becoming a successful chess team.


Chase McKenzie

Monday, May 9, 2011

Sorry Its Late

     Punctuality and being on time is now starting to be regarded as the "norm" in most high schools. The skills learned in school are used for the rest of a persons life. The rise in unreasonable deadlines has in turn made for a rise in bad late excuses, doctors notes, and unexcused absences

     Students are forced to do assignments and just hand them in with imposable deadlines! One of the local students was quoted saying "we have to read a  WHOLE book in 6 weeks?" Unreasonable deadlines like these are forcing kids to come up with better and better excuses, simple classics like "my dog ate it" just don't get the job done anymore. Another student told us that Mr. K the local math teacher made him do 20 questions and how that was an unreasonable task. Recently students haven't been doing their work on time and its the teachers duty to chase after them to get the students to do their work. The students are fed up wit the teachers getting them to work instead of letting them go on facebook and socialize with their friends.

     While students shouldn't be forced to hand in their work they should also have the freedom to show up to class whenever they feel its appropriate


Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Why man why?

     "How could a guy like you end up in a place like this?" exclaimed Franky.
     "Well me and three of my buddies tried to rob a bank in Oklahoma," mumbled Tyrone.
     "We had it all figured out, storm the bank wave our guns around a bit and get a teller to take us to the vault"
     "Seems like you had a pretty good plan but what happened?" questioned Franky.
     "You see Franky," Tyrone announced "we were in the bank and were headed to the vault."
     "we hired on a guy who said he was. 'A professional safe cracker.'"
     "Yeah? so what did he do?'' questioned Franky uneasily.
     "Well the damn guy said he could crack anything, and when he came he had a laser tag gun to try to cut through the safe!" Tyrone yelled.
     "You've got to be kidding," chuckled Franky.
     "Nope the idiot got me 15 years in prison for assault with a deadly weapon," Muttered Tyrone under his breath.
     "Well do you know where this guy got sent?" Franky asked.
     "No all I know is that hes a tall guy with a.... OH MY GOD, THERE HE GOES NOW!!" Shouted Tyrone as he started running across the yard.
Franky never heard from Tyrone again, It's said he got transferred to a maximum security jail cell.

High School Power Struggle

In a small Okanagan school of just over 750 students, bullying is a near non-existent problem at Princess Margaret Secondary School. With such a small population of Students, the group has become tightly knit and stands together as one. Every year the students organize "Pink Day" a day in which students are inclined to wear pink shirts to show they wont stand by and let people get bullied.

Princess Margaret is a comfortable feeling school where everyone is welcomed and the thought of bullies don't cross the minds of any students. The students fight for an accepting school and a better learning environment for everyone in the student body. Maggie is a fairly new school compared to the other local school Pen-Hi which has nearly double the population of students. Students at Pen-Hi and Princess Margaret both agree that the smaller school is making a bigger impact on bullying and that the bullying problem at Pen-Hi is much worse. Although P.M.S.S may be a smaller school it has more heart and the majority of the student body are connected by friendship, The students get along very well, and like Canada's "N.A.T.O" group the students have an "attack on one is an attack on all" attitude towards bullying and stand up for each other no matter who they are. P.M.S.S is inevitably one of the most bully free schools in not only the Okanagan Valley but in all of Canada.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Exemplary College Application

I am the most interesting person in the world. Dos Equis used me for their commercials. Once I challenged my reflection to a staring competition, on the third day I won. I once swam across the English channel lengthwise. I am immune to all diseases. Pharaohs in Egypt bow down when I walk into a room. People who dare to have me as an enemy still use me as an emergency contact. When I make food there is no need for a timer, I tell the food when its done. When sheep cant sleep they count me. When I get in a car its already warm no matter what. I wear jean everything. Once I escaped from Alcatraz I was proven guilty of being innocent. I have never filled up on chips. In the morning my cereal never gets soggy, it stays crisp just waiting for me. Once I taught my German Shepard to bark in Spanish. I live vicariously through myself.  Once I picked my nose and actually struck gold, I never make small talk about the weather even in a hurricane. When I go to the Louvre in France I am encouraged to touch the art. My shirts never wrinkle. Once I forgot to put postage on my mail, it still got there. Sharks have a week dedicated to me. I Once built a town out of Lego when i was a child, its now known as New York. Once I tried to get into a bullfight but the bull refused. Dicing onions doesn't make me cry. The Mayans chiseled my birthday into their calender. The hedge maze in my garden is responsible for more missing persons than the Bermuda Triangle. I am the most interesting man in the world.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The Career Choice Of Champs

This is a helpful "how to" guide of how to get the perfect career!

What is the greatest career choice coming out of high school? I'd say becoming a professional trophy husband is the obvious answer. Grade 12 is the perfect place to fine tune your flirting and girl getting ability. For example Mrs. Marshall is the perfect training ground, when ever she is walking through the halls its a good idea to talk her up and flirt. Teaching assistants are always a good choice too, they are normally younger and just out of university so its a good chance to get experience talking to older girls. When talking to the older girls make them feel really good while very carefully trying to find out what their annual salary is, because of course being a trophy husband you want to be able to not have to work. The art of gold digging is a tedious talent to master, and requires a watchful eye and a talent for judging people clothing, accessories, hair cuts, cars they drive, and what their house looks like. The Internet is a great place for you to research the prices of the clothing, cars, and jewelry, but getting a look at their house is slightly more difficult and may require putting a tail on their car and following them home. Make sure you maintain distance between your car and theirs because you don't want to be spotted and you want to get a good look at their house unnoticed. People that order expensive meals, pay for others meals, clothing, and jewelry are people to look out for. A good way to practice looking for these people while you are in grade twelve is to find someone to take you to lunch or to dinner and see what they order and if they are willing to pay for you. If they do then they likely have a money to spend on others and probably have wealthy parents.There are certain places to go to find wealthy older women such as Beverly Hills or or the upper east side of New York, But if you don't have the luxury to get out of Canada to try to find women from these areas then look locally at the Black Estates in Penticton which is a very wealthy location with lots of nice houses. Grade twelve is an excellent time to refine all your skills in the art of gold digging, and by using these skills and techniques you can become a professional trophy husband and be set for life!

Friday, January 14, 2011

awsome stuff

The chance to sleep in is just awesome! I love staying up late and then being able to sleep in til 1:30 in the afternoon, this is awesome because waking up early and being all tired is just a poor way to start the day. Being all rested waking up to brunch is just nifty! don't have to worry about cereal or anything this way the whole variety of food you can eat has expanded ten fold now.

snowboarding is also awesome! Waking up early and going up to the hill to get first turns is amazing. It gives you a sense of being somewhere where nobody else has been. Snowboarding is a one man sport and you can control where and how you get down the hill. Bombing down a groomed run, taking a steep run down that has knee deep powder and it feels as if you are floating, or doing park laps that you take your time down because the rails that you grind on are smooth and the jumps in the park are big and have nice flow.

Those are just two awesome thing that I find incredible when you stop to think about them but when your in the moment you let it pass you by and you don't realize just how awesome they really are!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

my comments

mitch waltons top 3
spencer d.s chiegg post
seans peters top 3